GLP1 Drugs, Phentermine And Other Weight Loss Medications
South Sound Preventive Medicine
Obesity Medicine Specialist located in Olympia, WA
In recent years, scientists are beginning to better understand the complexities of the human appetite regulation system. Cutting-edge research reveals that those struggling with obesity have such a difficult time knowing when they’re full because their brains are not receiving the correct signals from this system. Derangements in signaling can cause a persistent feeling of hunger, lack of satisfaction from normal amounts of food, and extremely strong cravings - all of which are often mistakenly associated with a lack of willpower. Anyone who tells you to just push yourself away from the table (including some health care providers) does not understand this powerful part of the brain.
It is possible to rebalance the appetite signaling system using medications, and we now have a revolutionary new class of medications called GLP-1 receptor agonists that are changing the landscape for those struggling with Obesity forever! These drugs are known generically as semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound). While many insurance plans unfortunately do not offer coverage for these medications, we are working to find affordable solutions that do not resort to dangerous and potentially illegal compounding.
The tried and true oral medications, such as phentermine, often work just fine. As with all medications, it is important to carefully weigh the risks and benefits, understand their proper use, and determine if it is appropriate for you to use them. It’s also important that you are medically supervised while taking them. At South Sound Preventive Medicine, medications are used as part of a comprehensive treatment program. If you are interested in medications to correct your appetite regulation, we will carefully guide you to the correct treatment option.
Weight Loss Medications Q&A
Who is a candidate for weight loss medications?
Weight loss medications are usually prescribed to people whose excess weight poses concerns to their health. They are not given in place of nutrition and exercise recommendations; rather, they complement these proven strategies.
What is Ozempic? What is Zepbound? Are they the same?
Ozempic is the name brand for the generic drug "semaglutide." Ozempic is approved for Type 2 Diabetes, while its sister drug Wegovy is approved for Obesity, for the prevention of recurrent cardiovascular disease, and for people with kidney disease. This drug is a GLP-1 receptor agonist, which mimics a hormone that is naturally produced after we eat. This hormone informs the brain that our stomachs are full, and that we need to stop eating to digest what we've just consumed.
Zepbound is the name brand for the generic drug "tirzepatide." Its sister drug Mounjaro is approved for Type 2 Diabetes. Zepbound is approved for the treatment of Obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This drug is not only a GLP-1 receptor agonist, it is also a GIP receptor agonist. GIP is another hormone that gets produced naturally after we eat.
Because Obestity is a chronic disease, these medications should be used long-term.
For more information about these medications and whether you qualify for them, please schedule an appointment at South Sound Preventive Medicine today!
What is Phentermine?
Phentermine is a prescription medication that helps to rebalance the errant appetite signaling system in the brain. Some research also suggests it may affect certain parts of the brain to improve energy metabolism.
Is using weight loss medication an easy way to lose weight?
Weight loss medications can make the process of weight loss a little easier, but they aren’t ever considered a sole treatment. We prescribe a comprehensive plan that includes nutrition and exercise, as well as lifestyle modifications, to help you achieve success.
What are the side effects of weight loss medications?
Many people on weight loss medications experience little to no side effects. Additionally, the benefits of losing the excess weight that’s endangering your health is greater than most of these side effects.
Depending on the medication used, possible side effects include: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, jitteriness, dry mouth, restless sleep, or irritability.
Because this is a medical weight loss program, the staff at South Sound Preventive Medicine monitors you while you’re on the medication. Discuss any side effects you feel with us so we can adjust your dosage. If you experience symptoms that concern you, stop taking the medication and contact the office right away.